
Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 230 Spoilers: Gojo’s Shocking Move Against Megumi Revealed

Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 230 Spoilers: Gojo’s Shocking Move Against Megumi Revealed: Jujutsu Kaisen fans eagerly awaiting Chapter 230 can expect some intense developments in the ongoing battle between Gojo and Sukuna. Spoilers reveal that Gojo is forced to launch an unexpected attack on Megumi as Sukuna unleashes his powerful Mahoraga technique. Here’s a breakdown of the shocking events that unfold in the upcoming chapter:

  1. Gojo and Sukuna Struggle: Both Gojo and Sukuna find themselves in a weakened state where they can no longer utilize their Domain Expansion abilities.
  2. Delayed Domain: In the previous chapter, Sukuna attempted to use his Domain, but Gojo’s Unlimited Void attack managed to hit him. However, before Gojo could capitalize on this, Sukuna summoned Mahoraga.
  3. Mahoraga’s Adaptation: Mei Mei explains that Mahoraga has the ability to adapt to any situation, even countering attacks like Unlimited Void. Mahoraga breaks Gojo’s Domain, allowing Sukuna to escape unscathed.
  4. Sacrificing Megumi: Gojo realizes that Sukuna used Mahoraga’s adaptation wheel to transfer the effects of Unlimited Void’s Sure Hit attack to Megumi. This puts Megumi in a perilous situation where rescue seems unlikely.
  5. Sukuna’s Strategy: Sukuna, now completely healed, commands Mahoraga back into the shadows. He reveals that Megumi has been forced to operate the Ten Shadows throughout their battle. Sukuna refrains from using borrowed techniques and instead relies on his own technique and Malevolent Shrine.
  6. Gojo’s Confidence: Gojo believes that Megumi couldn’t adapt to his Domain since he only actively fights when Mahoraga is present. In order to gain any advantage Sukuna forced Megumi to gain, he will have to summon Mahoraga again.
  7. Gojo’s Limit: Gojo attempts to expand his Domain once more, but Sukuna warns him that it is no longer possible. Gojo has exhausted his Cursed Energy by repeatedly healing his Cursed Technique and has reached his limit.
  8. Sukuna’s Counterattack: Sukuna expands his Malevolent Shrine Domain and encases it with a barrier to ensure that Gojo gets hit by the Sure Hit effect. Both Sukuna and Gojo suffer from severe nosebleeds as a result.
  9. Sukuna’s Defeat: In a surprising turn of events, Sukuna’s Domain is destroyed while expanding Malevolent Shrine, causing him to bleed from his eyes and nose. The damage inflicted by Gojo’s Unlimited Void proves to be too much for Sukuna.
  10. Gojo’s Triumph: Gojo lands a punch on Sukuna and revels in his victory, mocking the King of the Curses. The chapter reflects on the theme of ultimate strength and the loneliness it brings.

With each chapter, Jujutsu Kaisen pushes its characters and their abilities to the limit. This intense battle between Gojo and Sukuna showcases their unwavering determination and the consequences of their actions. Fans will be eagerly awaiting the release of Chapter 230 to see the outcome of

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كاتبة ومحررة صحفية فلسطينية وصانعة محتوى نصي رقمي ـ مختصة بأخبار الفن والمجتمع والمنوعات والجريمة، تقيم في مصر، درست قسم الصحافة والإعلام بكلية الآداب في الجامعة الإسلامية، تلقت عدة دورات تدريبية بالصحافة الاستقصائية، ودورات في حقوق الإنسان، التحقت بفريق (جمال المرأة) منذ عام 2019، وعملت سابقا لدى العديد من المواقع الإخبارية المحلية والعربية، مختصة بصحافة السوشيال ميديا ومواقع التواصل وقياس ردود الأفعال بشأن الأخبار والأحداث الاجتماعية الغريبة والفنية، عربيا وعالميا.

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