
How to Activate Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

How to Activate Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom: As a Zelda fan, one of the most exciting things about the game is discovering new territories, uncovering secrets, and unlocking new abilities. And there’s nothing like activating a new tower, which makes it easier to navigate and explore the surrounding areas. In this post, we’ll discuss how to activate the Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. So, if you’re stuck or just curious, read on!

Introduction to Skyview Towers in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Skyview Towers are equally beautiful and functional landmarks players can find scattered all over the world of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. These towers have a lot of benefits; besides working as points for fast travel, they also reveal hidden map regions and provide Link with an amazing vantage point to survey the surrounding area. However, players will need to activate them first in order to fully utilize these benefits. Having a map that reveals the terrain and is accessible via fast travel is incredibly useful in navigating the game world, especially for those who want to explore the environment before tackling challenges and quests. With fifteen towers to discover, players will be looking for tips and tricks on activating them. Therefore, players should master the art of activating Skyview Towers in order to encounter a much smoother and handier gameplay experience, while at the same time enjoying the amazing visuals and landscapes of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Difficulty of Activating Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower

Players of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom may face some difficulties in activating the Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower. When they get close to the tower, they will notice that the activation terminal is broken. To make things worse, the repair technician is nowhere to be seen. Therefore, players need to put some effort into restoring the tower’s power and unlocking the Gerudo Canyon section of the map. However, using the game’s puzzle-solving tactics, players can easily activate it.

In order to activate the Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower, players must first ensure that they have Heat Resistance, as the sun in Gerudo can be scorching and can potentially hurt Link over time. They can acquire this resistance either through elixirs or by using Heat Resistance armor. Next, they will need to look straight across from the tower entrance at the chain pulley system. Spot Sawson, the tower repair tech, who is standing on a wooden platform below, and use the pulley to haul him up to the Skyview Tower.

To do this, players will need to equip Link’s Ultrahand ability and glue the metal boxes to the small metal cube attached to the pulley system. This will create enough weight to hoist Sawson up. After reaching the top, players must speak to Sawson, and he will repair the terminal. Additionally, he will gift players with a plate of Chilly Steamed Mushrooms as a thank you. Once the terminal is fixed, players can interact with it and stand on the platform to launch up and unlock the Gerudo Canyon map.

Although players may initially encounter difficulty in activating the Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower, with some gaming tactics and effort, they can successfully activate it. This puzzle-solving aspect adds an element of challenge to the game, making it more exciting and engaging. Keep in mind that players need to explore and conquer other broken towers in Hyrule, opening up the game to even more adventure-filled fun.

 Location and Coordinates of Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower

The Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower is an important location in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. It is one of the 15 Skyview Towers that needs to be activated to unlock the map of the game, allowing players to fast travel and examine the terrain from a higher viewpoint. The Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower is located in the Gerudo Desert and can be found at coordinates -2430 -2177 0307. However, approaching players should take note of the warm temperature in the area and consider heat resistance.

As players arrive at the Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower, they will notice the scaffolding and elevators nearby, as well as the metal boxes next to the tower. To activate the tower, players need to fuse three metal boxes together using the Ultrahand and carry them to the nearby elevator, noting that there is no counterweight at this point. Using the Ultrahand again, players can attach the boxes as the missing counterweight. The elevator will rise, bringing Sawson with it, a worker who will have the tower operational in no time.

Once players head inside the tower, they can activate it to be shot into the sky. This will reveal the full Gerudo Desert region of the map, giving players the upper hand for their exploration. To maximize Link’s adventures in the game, players can rely on helpful guides like the ones found on websites such as Shacknews and Reddit. By following these instructions, players can quickly activate the Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower and continue their thrilling adventure in the game.

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